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The origin: motivation first.

Actualizado: 3 jun 2021

The origin of the project was to motivate my students to learn and practice English, looking for an unusual way of practicing it.

I remembered how, when I was young, I had a penpal friend whose name was John, from Ireland, and how excited I was when the postman left a new letter in my parent's box.


At the beginning I didn't think to involve more teachers, I was just looking for a partner to create it. This has been my first E-twinning project and everything was new for me.

eTwinning is the community for schools in Europe.

eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe. eTwinning is co-funded by the Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport.

My first contact was from Germany, and her name is Barbara, but she manages 2 classes, and she wanted a project for all of them.

So I asked my colleagues at the English Department, and most of them were interested.

Soon, I was trying to manage a project involving 6 countries (Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Croatia and Turkey) and almost 200 students! It was crazy!

But once the race has started, you just have to run up to the end!

So, here we go!

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